Day Two
Time: 9:11 p.m.
Expected Word Count: 3,667
Current Word Count: 2,829
Well, I stuck to the plan and headed out to S'bucks again after dinner. (They're going to be SO sick of me by the end of November!) I put on the old Ipod, cracked open the laptop, got some herbal tea (can't have the caffeine this late anymore) and starting cranking on my word count.
I'll admit to a certain amount of piddle-farting around on the internet (hey, it's election night, right?), but I still got to 75% of my goal. If I do as well tomorrow (fingers crossed), I'll be all caught up. The prologue and chapter one are complete. We've met our main character, Beata Lorio, and one of the alien hybrid children she is raising for the invaders, Duncan. We've set up the other three children (Hermia, Imogen, and Sebastien), some with special powers, some with mysterious things ahead, but all as sympathetic support characters. I decided to go with Shakespearean names for the kids, figuring it would be one of Beata's ways to silently, safely rebel against the Olun Megari (the aliens).
Speaking of which, I have drama after school, then a show at Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago after that. Hmmmm...I might be getting lots of writing done very early, at lunch, and very late! Wish me a 3,000 word day!
~Mrs. Wisniewski
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