Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Revising My Own Goal for Sanity's Sake...

Day: 16
Time: 9:40 p.m.
Expected Word Count:  29,333 26,667
Current Word Count:  26,221

So, in the interest of my sanity, I've decided the experts are right - 50,000 words in a month is about right for amateur novelists with, you know, lives.

I was shooting for 55,000 this month, but have come to the conclusion, the further I get behind, that it will not be possible this year.  So, I've revised my goal back to the NaNoWriMo's traditional 50,000.  It doesn't seem like a big difference,over the space of a month, but that's nearly three days worth of writing in that extra 5K words. 

I'm disappointed that I'm not going to hit my original goal, but relieved that I'm still going to be able to hit a respectable number this year.  I think it's important to set rigorous goals, but it's also a virtue to know when to revise those goals to be reachable.

Chapter Eleven ended with the new folks, and Chapter Twelve is taking the Lorios, Ollie, the loader, and the traitor over the district border.  Mia has just discovered that traitor is bugged by picking up on his thoughts.  Now, they are faced with what to do with the traitor.  What do you think they should do?


~Mrs. W.

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